Unhealthy lifestyle changes, improper diet regime and lack of physical exercise would not only lead to obesity, but also can make way for the incidence of piles or hemorrhoids, a medical condition in which bunch of veins in the anal region gets enlarged. Known as Arsha in ayurveda, piles can also lead to bleeding when the protruding veins rubs hard stool. Hence it becomes very important to understand the type of piles before offering a permanent cure, advices a most sought after doctor associated with an ayurvedic clinic in Pune.
Causes of piles:
When collection of small veins located within the anal canal gets swollen and dilated, they are referred as piles. The real problem occurs when these piles undergo lots of strain due to constipation, unhealthy eating habits, or improper digestive systems. As a matter of fact, long time sitting postures on hard surface due to work demand or lack of physical activities can also lead to piles. More than the physiological difficulties, the impact created by psychological aspects is definitely distressful and paves way for embarrassing moments. Loss of stamina and fatigue associated with anemia are definitely some of the common effects of piles that put mankind into series of troubles, explains a best ayurvedic doctor in Pune.
So how to handle piles and can ayurveda provide any relief? Let us find it out:
Types of piles:
As mentioned earlier, it is of paramount important to analyze the type of piles to offer suitable ayurvedic treatment. Although both dry and bleeding piles cause immense pain when one relieves, there are few noticeable distinguishing factors associated with each type. For instance, as the name suggests, bleeding piles is usually accompanied with loss of blood, while the dry type does not induce blood flow along with stool.
Treatment techniques of ayurveda:
As we have been saying always, ayurveda provides holistic treatment only after finding the actual triggering event. The medicinal properties of several life saving herbs are put into the best of use for the treatment of piles.
- Nagakesara: Used extensively to treat bleeding piles, this is one of the best medicines that can assure positive results.
- Haritaki: Again being an herb based medicine, this renders good results for both variants of piles.
- Abhayarishta: The mixture made out of water and equal quantity of abhayaristha is again an excellent medicine of ayurveda to treat piles.
- Kasiaditaila: Being a lotion that needs to be applied externally, it lends the hand to bring down the enlargement of piles and subdue the itching sensation.
- Jimikand: Having properties very much similar to Haritaki, Jimikand is also recommended by ayurvedic physicians to treat piles.
- Amalaki: Renowned for rejuvenating properties, this one herb can perfectly handle all digestive system issues.
- Other recommended practices:
- Being an ailment associated with excretory and digestive system, your ayurvedic physician is very much likely to impose diet restrictions. Avoid starchy food such as potato and yellow pumpkin, but include veggies such as radish, onions, and bitter gourd to pave way for additional roughage in the food.
- Drink plenty of water and improve physical activity to avoid the onset of piles. But a word of caution – excessive physical activities or water consumption can lead to other complications and hence proper guidance needs to be sought from your ayurveda physician.
In a nutshell, piles can be absolutely cured through ayurveda treatment procedures that are ably complemented by good lifestyle habits and dietary control practices. If you or any of your near and dear is suffering due to piles, assure them with complete confidence. We, armed with in-depth technical knowledge of treatment methodologies for piles, can treat and make it absolutely traceless. Contact us to know further about our mode of ayurvedic treatment in Pune.