About us

In antiquity remains the roots of a science, that is today gaining wide acceptance and popularity – a system of medicine which could with its natural remedies heal without any side -effects.
MUPPRA Kerala Ayurvedic Centre – is one of Pune’s most traditionally well established, professional and innovative providers of Classical Ayurvedic Health services and Kerala Panchakarma therapies. MUPPRA Kerala Ayurvedic delivers quality professional treatment services.
Traditions – MUPPRA Kerala Ayurvedic was founded, 92 years ago by Kelan Vaidyar,in kannur, Kerala, on the holistic vision of providing people with authentic classical Ayurvedic services and is always inspired by his Healthcare team’s persistence in achieving successful treatment outcomes.
Dr Syam Bhargavan M.D(Ayu), Ph.D., D.N.Y.S, CCH, CGO., is the driving force behind the clinic. He brings with him the experience of generations of ayurvedic practice and is the chief physician at the facility. At MUPPRA Kerala Ayurvedic Center, we not only aim for curing the diseased but for an overall well being of the individual. All the panchakarma procedures are under the supervision of qualified doctors & done by well qualified and trained Ayurvedic thearapist (male and female) from kerala.
The Centre offers unique holistic programmes for “Panchakarma” and “Wellness”. These are very effective for the purification and rejuvenation of the body and mind. Both the Panchakarma and Wellness Packages include participation of properly balanced Diet and life style changes in Yoga, Meditation, a properly balanced Diet.
Each of these activities contributes to the overall healing and rejuvenation process, working on multiple levels of the individual, to give a thorough cleansing and healing effect on the body, mind and soul.
Ayurveda specializes in ailments such as Joint pains, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Diabetes, Spondylitis, Asthma, Neurological disorders, Migraine, partial paralysis, etc. Only a personal examination of the patient by an Ayurvedic Physician will determine the actual diagnosis and then the course of treatment is determined. After a complete examination of the patients our physicians will diagnose the disease and as per the condition of the patient complete course of treatment will be determined.
The herbs and oil used in different therapies are specially prepared from Kerala. Our Pune’s first branch started in 1997 and provides complete and authentic ayurvedic experience.