Slimming Programme

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Slimming Programme – Sthoulyagna Chikilsa – 28 to 60 Days.

Diet pills lower the body’s fat set points by speeding up the organism, making both body and brain work faster. This increases Vata, which makes both body and mind crave for more sweets to balance.

Ayurveda believes in speeding up organism in healthy natural ways, with treatments to increase fat metabolism, exercise, herb-based diet supplements and the use of light non-kapha producing foods, which control vata while relieving the system of excess kapha.

In  Muppra Kerala Ayurvedic, there is a treatment for 28 to 60 days including yoga, which assures you of genuine metabolic change.

Key treatments: Udvardhanam, Padabhyangam, Kalari uzhichil, lepanam, medicated steam bath, podikizhi, internal medication.
