4 Ayurvedic Guidelines For Preventing Back Pain

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4 Ayurvedic Guidelines For Preventing Back Pain

According to Ayurvedamain reason responsible for back pain is the presence of Apna Vata which means descending wind. Movement of hips, thigs, lower back and excretion from the body like urine etc all depend on Vata. As many as 85% of world’s population is suffering from lower back pain which adversely affects their personal and professional life.

It has been proved scientifically that Ayurveda is the most natural way of treatment of back pain, showing no side effects.


Common causes resulting in back pain are-

  • Among females during pregnancy back pain occurs due to growing size and weight of the baby and hence it tilts the pelvis and adversely affects the lumbar spine.
  • Random lifting of heavy weight in bad posture and over stretching of muscles during the process is major cause among adults
  • If any pressure is put on the ligaments, disc and muscles, there are chances of having lower back pain.
  • Extraordinary moves of the body put extra strain on these muscles.


Experts conducting Ayurvedic treatment for back pain in Pune suggest body massages with the help of herbs like Dashmula, Castor oil, Ashwagandha, Guggulu etc. Moreover, they recommend certain precautions to avoid lower back pain-

  • Consumption of red and green chilies should be avoided as they cause drying of the body leading to Vata Dosha (major responsible factor for constipation).
  • Keeping body warm during winters and avoiding consumption of cold foods. Vata Dosha is on a high during cold weather.
  • Practicing Padahastasana regularly, is effective in correcting the Vata Dosha’s aftermaths on the body and removes all blockages from the excretion track, hence easing down lower back pain.
  • Ayurveda treats skin as a fundamental organ and recommends applying oil all over the body 30 minutes before having bath to make skin feel healthy and reduce back pain.

Try these methods to avoid back pain through out your life.

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